Occupational, Healthy and Safety Policy

In all aspects of activities MAS Field Service Division is committed to providing and maintaining a safe working environment including safe systems of work for all employees, visitors and contractors.

All employees have a responsibility to work safely, to take all reasonable care for their own health and safety and to consider the health and safety of other people who may be affected by their actions. All managers and supervisors are responsible to ensure within their respective level of control, the safety and health of employee’s contractors and visitors to the workplace.

MAS Field Service Division adopts the preventive principle that a zero – injury frequency rate is achievable and therefore it is a key management objective. The benefit to be gained from a successful safety and health program are significant in both human and monetary terms and justifies the pursuit of the highest standards of occupational health and safety.

Occupational Health and Safety Objectives

The management and staff at MAS Field Service Division are committed and will strive to

  • Prevent and eliminate work related injuries and illnesses and achieve a zero – injury frequency rate.

  • Identify, assess and control workplace hazards and risks to provide a healthy and safe workplace.

  • Develop procedures, processes and instructions to ensure safe systems of work are implemented and maintained.

As part of our systems and processes we will

  • Train educate and communicate with employee’s contractors and other relevant interested parties in regards to this policy and occupational health and safety expectations where necessary.

  • Ensure that this policy is available to all interested parties.

  • Define and meet objectives by documenting and monitoring measurableoccupational health and safety targets to ensure continued improvement aimed at the elimination of work – related injury and illness.

  • Conduct regular management review meetings to ensure our occupational health and safety management system is reviewed and controlled appropriately.

  • Report investigate and apply corrective actions to all workplace incidents.

  • Comply to OH&S statutory regulations and other legal requirements.

  • Continually monitor and improve our health and safety performance and the effectiveness of our occupational health and safety management systems.

  • Conduct audits of key processes within the business/company as part of our continual improvement process.

  • Ensure our occupational health and safety management system is maintained to AS/NZS 4801:2001 and OSHAS 18001:2007.

  • Review this policy annually.

Management Responsibilities

To achieve a healthy and safe workplace MAS Field Service Division will

  • Provide information supervision and training when required.

  • Provide continuous improvement in health and safety standards.

  • Ensure all management and managers have the required knowledge and skills to perform their responsibilities.

Employee Responsibilities

All MAS Field Service Division employees must:

  • Report any unsafe conditions and equipment.

  • Report all accidents and new miss incidents.

  • Wear all protective clothing relevant to the work the employee is performing.

  • Ensure that no action will cause harm to any other person.

  • Ensure that all safe work methods, instructions and rules are always followed.